- Detailid
- Esmane info
- Ettevõte
- Creation of form concepts and haptic user interfaces for sterile single use flexible endoscopes
- Creation of functional models and prototypes using 3D printing and other rapid prototyping methods
- Development of functional and aesthetic packaging solutions
- Use and further development of design guidelines
- Developing, coordinating and documenting usage scenarios and requirements
- Evaluating designs and operating concepts with users and stakeholders
- Transfer to implementation through comprehensible documentation and constructive communication with the development team during implementation
- Close cooperation with usability, product management, product development and quality management
- Completed studies in industrial design, product design or a comparable degree program
- Knowledge in the development of products for medical technology, taking into account regulatory requirements and high quality standards
- Knowledge of material selection and processing techniques, especially plastics
- Application of user-centered design methods for the development of innovative products
- Integration of sustainable principles into the design process and material selection
- Expertise in the design of colors, materials and surface finishes
- Good communication and teamwork skills
- Very structured, efficient and solution-oriented way of working
- Interesting and challenging work
- Opportunity to contribute to the production of novel medical instrumentation
- Opportunity to work in an international and well-known company
- A supportive team and modern working-environment
- Sport opportunities (volleyball, yoga, walking and running series)
- Recognising birthdays and other personal important occasions
- Various team and joint events
- Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
Paernu mnt 556b
- Täistööaeg
Marit Hõbemägi
Karl Storz on Euroopa suurim kõrgtehnoloogilise kirurgiainstrumentaariumi tootja, peakorteriga Saksamaal, loodud 1945.aastal. Karl Storz'i firmamärk on esindatud kõikides maailmajagudes ning see on kujunenud omal alal kvaliteedi ja usaldusväärsuse sümboliks.
Karl Storz Video Endoscopy Estonia OÜ on Storz'i grupi kiiremini arenevaid arendus- ja tootmisüksusi.
1994. aastal Eestis alguse saanud ettevõtte kogemus endoskoopide tootmises ja pühendunud töötajad on põhjuseks, miks maailmanimega kontsern rakendab tehnoloogia uusimaid saavutusi seeriatootmises just Eesti tütarettevõttes.
Ettevõttes on meditsiiniliste ja veterinaarias kasutatavate paindendoskoopide arendustiim, tootmisüksused, kus erinevate tehnoloogiate abil valmivad instrumendid alates eelkoostamisest kuni lõppkoostamiseni ja remondiosakond koos kõigi vajalike tugiüksustega. Kokku on meil täna 300 töötajat.