Tallinna Inglise Kolledž
Spanish Teacher
Tallinna Inglise Kolledž

Expectations for the candidate

We are looking for a English speaking spanish teacher to apply. Teaching at PYP and MYP. Starting from 01.09.2022.

Please send your resume and application to tik@tik.edu.ee

Spanish teacher we are looking for you!

Вы можете узнать среднюю зарплату на эту должность на palgad.ee.

Место работы

    Tallinn, Harjumaa, Эстония
    Estonia pst 10

Тип работы

  • Полный рабочий день
  • Неполное рабочее время


  •  Английский
  •  Испанский
Контактное лицо
Annika Liinamägi

Tallinn English College is a favourable learning environment for our children, the creation and quality of which are guaranteed equally by students, their families as well as the teachers of the school. For promoting even better environment for development we – families, children, everyone in the school - have common values.

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