Cybernetica AS
Security Engineer for Cybersecurity
Cybernetica AS
Cybernetica AS

Security Engineer for Cybersecurity

Cybernetica AS

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Место работы

    Tartu, Tartumaa, Эстония

Тип работы

  • Полный рабочий день


  •  Английский
  •  Эстонский
Контактное лицо
Liis Lehto
Cybernetica is a research and development intensive ICT company that develops and sells mission-critical software systems and products, maritime surveillance and radio communications solutions. Cybernetica has been an active counterpart in developing critical e-Government systems, such as the Estonian X-Road, i-Voting, e-Customs and others. Today Cybernetica delivers its systems to across 35 countries in the world.

Вебсайт компанииhttps://cyber.ee/

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