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Supervisor of the bending machines department
Tööandja nimi
We are looking for an experienced and skilled press brake machinist / bending specialist to lead the development of bending (press brake) technology!
Are you passionate about edging/bending technology with knowledge of both traditional and newer bending technologies?
We are looking for an experienced and creative person who will not only lead the team, but also develop and take the bending processes in our company to a new level.
Your role:
- To lead the bending department, be responsible for its operation and development.
- Develop and optimize bending technology, in particular with Salvagnin bending robotics.
- To create demanding programs and exploit the maximum capacity of the machines.
- Support your team by sharing your knowledge and your many years of experience.
- Drive forward and implement new technologies and processes that take the company to the forefront of the bending industry.
We expect you to have:
- Solid experience in bending technology and a desire to develop it further.
- A deep understanding of bending technologies and the ability to see the big picture of bending process development.
- Experience in management, particularly in a supervisory role in bending.
- An engineering degree or equivalent technical skills.
- Ability to work in a large organization and to develop bending processes.
- Good level of English, as you will be working in an international environment. Knowledge of other languages is a plus.
Are you passionate about edging/bending technology with knowledge of both traditional and newer bending technologies?
We are looking for an experienced and creative person who will not only lead the team, but also develop and take the bending processes in our company to a new level.
Your role:
- To lead the bending department, be responsible for its operation and development.
- Develop and optimize bending technology, in particular with Salvagnin bending robotics.
- To create demanding programs and exploit the maximum capacity of the machines.
- Support your team by sharing your knowledge and your many years of experience.
- Drive forward and implement new technologies and processes that take the company to the forefront of the bending industry.
We expect you to have:
- Solid experience in bending technology and a desire to develop it further.
- A deep understanding of bending technologies and the ability to see the big picture of bending process development.
- Experience in management, particularly in a supervisory role in bending.
- An engineering degree or equivalent technical skills.
- Ability to work in a large organization and to develop bending processes.
- Good level of English, as you will be working in an international environment. Knowledge of other languages is a plus.
Nõutud keeleoskus
- EN, kõne: B2, kiri: B2, kohustuslik
Omalt poolt pakume
We always offer all employees of Apuvoima:
- Extended occupational health care.
- Reliable and high-quality pay.
- A dedicated contact person for your employment matters.
- The opportunity to become part of an innovative and developing team.
- Interesting and challenging projects and the opportunity to develop your skills at the top of your field.
Possibility for accommodation:
- Yes, amount of rent 200-400 €.
- Extended occupational health care.
- Reliable and high-quality pay.
- A dedicated contact person for your employment matters.
- The opportunity to become part of an innovative and developing team.
- Interesting and challenging projects and the opportunity to develop your skills at the top of your field.
Possibility for accommodation:
- Yes, amount of rent 200-400 €.
Kandideerimise info
If you're ready to take the next step in your career, send us your application and CV: http://apuvoima.likeit.fi/apply/3663449 or Julia Bilozor (julia.bilozor@apuvoima.com, 044 927 2326).
Tähtaeg: 2024-12-15
Töösuhte kestus: tähtajatu
Vajalikud dokumendid
- CV
- kaaskiri
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Julia Bilozor
Julia Bilozor
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