Töötukassa vahendatud pakkumised


Worker to pig farm

Tööandja nimi



We're looking for help to assist us with daily tasks in our farm. In a normal day you will be checking the pigs, cleaning and other various tasks.

Nõutud keeleoskus

  • EN, kõne: B1, kiri: B1, kohustuslik

Muud nõuded

Job Requirements:
- You are an EU / EEA or Swiss national, or you have a valid work permit in Norway.
- You will need a driving license B (you don't need your own car).
- English, speaking and understanding.
- Experience from working with pigs.
- Enjoy practical work and have a positive state of mind.
- You have a solid interest for or experience with agriculture.

Omalt poolt pakume

Work conditions:
- Permanent job, after 6 month trial period.
- The position is 50%, one month work - one month free.
- Start as soon as possible. The position is available now.
- Working hours 6:30-15:30, 1 hour lunch break, 37,5 hours/week.
- We will provide you with your own house/apartment and assist you getting to our farm in Norway. Cost is 3100 NOK + internet and electricity.

Kandideerimise info

Employer: Professional producer of piglets. 40 years of experience. We produce pigs at three locations around Drammen with an experienced crew. We have great respect for and benefit from Norwegian, sustainable agricultural policy and good, Norwegian common sense. More information here: https://knive.no/gris/ Please send CV with references, country, phone number and e-mail address by e-mail to bent@knive.no. For questions, please contact Mr. Bent Riis-Pedersen, pig production manager. E-mail bent@knive.no, mobile phone +47 917 16 924.

Tähtaeg: 2024-10-20

Töösuhte kestus: tähtajatu

Vajalikud dokumendid

  • CV
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Место работы


Тип работы

  • Неполное рабочее время
Контактное лицо
Bent Riis-Pedersen
+47 917 16 924
EURES Norra, üle-euroopalise EURES töövahendusvõrgustiku osana, vahendab Norra tööandjate tööpakkumisi, kus otsitakse tööjõudu Eestist.

Вебсайт компанииhttps://knive.no/gris

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