Tenured Professor of Molecular Diagnostics and Bioinformatics
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Tenured Professor of Molecular Diagnostics and Bioinformatics

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

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Место работы

    Tallinn, Harjumaa, Эстония
    Akadeemia tee 15

Тип работы

  • Полный рабочий день
Контактное лицо
Pirjo Spuul

The Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology was created in the School of Science in 2017, the department merged the former Institute of Chemistry, the Institute of Gene Technology and the Institute of Food Science. Currently 25 research groups operate in the departments interdisciplinary and international environment. The primary mission of the department is to provide high level education based on top level science, to be a leader in the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, gene technology, food science and smart technologies. The departments recent scientific discoveries in chemistry, molecular biology and food technology have opened up completely new perspectives in the fields of medicine, industry, agriculture and environmental protection.

Похожие объявления о вакансиях

Java/Full Stack vanemarendaja (biomeetria)
Python full-stack arendaja
Siseministeeriumi infotehnoloogia- ja arenduskeskus

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