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- Компания
Health care assistant
Tööandja nimi
EURES Itaalia
Assistance to elderly guests and care of their hygienic and basic sanitary needs.
Muud nõuded
Certified training as ASA (auxiliary health care assistant, AHCA) or OSS (health care assistant, HCA). Basic knowledge of the Italian language is a plus.
Omalt poolt pakume
Contract: fixed-term to open-ended (national collective labour agreement UNEBA).
Hours: full-time or part-time on shifts.
Free Italian language courses up to upper-intermediate level (B2).
Assistance with relocation and recognition of qualification.
Hours: full-time or part-time on shifts.
Free Italian language courses up to upper-intermediate level (B2).
Assistance with relocation and recognition of qualification.
Kandideerimise info
Le Rondini Foundation is non-profit and pursues exclusively social solidarity objectives in the sectors of social and socio-health assistance to disadvantaged people, with particular attention to the elderly of the Lumezzane area. Currently, the Foundation employs over 110 people. How to apply Please, send your signed CV in Italian or English with consent to process your personal data to eures@provincia.brescia.it quoting the vacancy name and ref. no. 39058. The interviews will be held online or in person.
Tähtaeg: 26.06.2024
Töösuhte kestus: tähtajatu
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