- Detailid
- Esmane info
- Ettevõte
Are you passionate about mobile, clean code/architecture and microservices?
In Swedbank you have the opportunity to:
- Develop, test, analyze and maintain applications of Swedbank's high tech infrastructure;
- Work alongside other agile engineers working on different layers of the tech stack to make sure our service is up and running 24/7;
- Create high quality code that is robust, maintainable, and optimized for future growth;
- Collaborate with other team members to deliver scalable solutions and drive continuous improvement.
What is needed in this role:
- Java/Kotlin;
- Clean code principles and Clean architecture;
- Object Oriented Design principles, Domain Driven Design principles;
- APIs design and usage: RESTful, GraphQL, gRPC;
- Experience with microservices architecture and tools;
- Experience with Kubernetes;
- Experience in distributed and concurrent systems;
- Experience or understanding of Reactive programming;
- Experience or understanding of Event sourcing and CQRS;
- Bachelor's or Master's degree in a related field, or a great reason for not having one!
What we offer when you join us:
- An open, simple and caring culture;
- Opportunity to create the best experience for our customers;
- An international, sustainable and inclusive work environment;
- Development opportunities and advancement in your career;
- Flexible working options;
- Access to Group performance program, company pension plan, optional health insurance, and other benefits.
"Join our team and...
...be a part of an international team of professionals, who are jointly delivering challenging projects, maximizing customer value and increasing Swedbanks competitive advantage." Üllar Tammiste, your future leader
We look forward to your application at 11.02.2025 the latest.
We may begin the selection during the application period, so we welcome your application as soon as possible.
If you are to be employed in Latvia, please note that the salary offered for this position ranges from 37505650€ gross i.e. before taxes.
If you are to be employed in Lithuania, please note that the salary offered for this position ranges from 48507250€ gross i.e. before taxes.
If you are to be employed in Estonia, please note that the salary offered for this position ranges from 43006500€ gross i.e. before taxes.
Swedbank does not discriminate anybody based on gender, age, sexual orientation or sexual identity, ethnicity, religion or disability everybody is welcome.
4300 - 6500
- Tartu, Tartumaa, Eesti
- Kaugtöö võimalus
- Täistööaeg
Swedbank AS
Swedbank AS
Swedbank väärt keskkond töötamiseks ja arenguks
Meile on peamiseks võtmesõnaks oma töötajate väärtustamine, sest kõik inimesed ootavad hoolimist, tunnustust, võimalusi olla kaasatud. Seetõttu on meile omane erinevuste austamine, mitmekesisust arvestav mõtteviis, paindlikkus töötamise aja ja koha suhtes, samuti karjäärieesmärkide saavutamise toetamine ja võimaluste pakkumine erialaseks arenguks. Finantsmaailm on muutumises ja see pakub põnevaid professionaalseid väljakutseid ning võimalusi arendada nii tudengeid kui ka oma töötajaid tulevikukompetentside vallas. Oleme klientide, üksteise ja ühiskonna suhtes avatud, lihtsad ja hoolivad ning ootame enda juurde inimesi, kes neid väärtusi jagavad.
Sarnased töökuulutused:
Engineering Manager