IT-Support Specialist (Finnish speaking)
Fujitsu Estonia AS
IT-Support Specialist (Finnish speaking)
Fujitsu Estonia AS
IT-Support Specialist (Finnish speaking)
Fujitsu Estonia AS

IT-Support Specialist (Finnish speaking)

Fujitsu Estonia AS

Our Service Desk team is in search of a Finnish speaking Technical Support Specialist.

The Service Desk department is an integral part of our prestigious Fujitsu Finland, recognized as the leading service desk in the Nordic countries. Our team comprises 150 dedicated professionals committed to providing exceptional support for large corporation employees with IT-related queries.

If you are interested in joining our team, we would expect you to have the following competencies:

  • proficiency in Finnish and English;
  • a desire to deliver an outstanding customer service experience;
  • a readiness to acquire new knowledge and skills;
  • competency in using office software including MS Office programs (Outlook, etc.).

Please note, the programs and skills necessary for servicing business clients will be acquired through our training program and on-the-job learning.

When you join us, you're receiving more than a mere position:

  • necessary training and a comprehensive on-boarding program;
  • you will become part of a closely-knit, collaborative team;
  • we will give your IT career a boost, allowing you to develop your technical knowledge with the potential to advance from a specialist to an expert role;
  • the opportunity to work from a home office;
  • work-life balance;
Additional benefits such as extra leave days starting from the second year of employment, health insurance or sports compensation, and additional sickness benefit, etc.

Your role within our team will be to resolve the clients IT issues swiftly and efficiently.  
If you wish to learn more about who we are, what we do, our values, and the day-to-day life in the Service Desk department, click here for more information:

The journey to joining our organization, i.e., the application process, involves:

  1. application submission CV
  2. an online interview with our Team Leader
  3. an introduction day at our Service Desk department
  4. if both parties agree to proceed, we will send you a job offer.
  5. Welcome to Fujitsu Estonia!

Fujitsu Estonia values diversity and inclusion. We believe that the uniqueness of each individual enriches our team. With us, everyone is valued, and there is no room for discrimination. All candidates, regardless of their background, are welcome and appreciated.

Fujitsu Estonia Service Desk department as an employer

Our workers are professionals who place a high value on well-functioning teamwork. Together we overcome obstacles, achieve results, and celebrate our victories. We recognise one another and are proud of our workers. Our positively minded expert team is ready to help and support you. In our team we follow the principles of lean, which ensure smoothness of cooperation. We listen to and trust one another. As people we come from different backgrounds: younger and older, marathon runners, folk dancers, friends of nature and much more. This allows us to see life from different perspectives and adds colour to our activities. You will be sure to find your place with us. We welcome your thoughts and ideas.
BrutokuupalkBruto kuusAlates  € 1600


    Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti


  • Täistööaeg


  •  Inglise
  •  Soome
Liis Hulkko
+372 5389 5755
Fujitsu Estonia on üks juhtivatest IT-teenuseid pakkuvatest ettevõtetest Eestis, kus oleme tegutsenud alates 1991. aastast. Pakume Eesti ja välisturule kvaliteetseid IT-täisteenuseid: nii süsteemide arendamist, hooldust kui ka remonti. Lisaks vastutame paljude suurettevõtete IT-toodete ostu ja tarneahela juhtimise ning IT-teenuste finantsjuhtimise eest Põhjamaades. Tehnoloogiatoodete valik ulatub lihtsatest sülearvutitest andmehalduskeskusteni.

Meie eesmärk on lihtsustada ettevõtete ja organisatsioonide tegevust uuenduslike tehnoloogiate ja teenuste abil.

Fujitsu Estonia tööandjana
Innovatsiooni keskmes on inimesed. Meie juures töötab nutikate tehniliste uuenduste nimel mitmekesine ning professionaalne meeskond. Paindlik suhtumine, koostöö ja jätkusuutlikkus on väärtused, mis meid ühendavad. Oleme kindel ja laiahaardeline rahvusvaheline IT-ettevõte, kus saab avardada silmaringi ja tunda end tööalaselt turvaliselt. Jaapani juured ja kultuuripärand on õpetanud meid väärtustama pikaajalisi suhteid. Meie tööl on tähendus. Meie tegevus muudab maailma kõigi jaoks paremaks. Koos sinuga suuname tehnoloogia abil tuleviku ühiskonda.

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Elering AS

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