- Detailid
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Tööandja nimi
Replacing with new doors, windows, body work etc.
Muud nõuded
Language: English or Scandinavian.
Omalt poolt pakume
Temp-Team will also help with documentation for applying tax card and Norwegian ID number.
Kandideerimise info
TEMP-TEAM AS is a recruitment agency that hires out labor and recruiting candidates for permanent positions. We have 400-500 employees hired at any time. We are known for quality, service, personal contact and to convey professional candidates. TEMP-TEAM AS was established in Norway in 1985, and currently has 50 permanent employees. We are part of an international group with headquarters in Copenhagen. Headquarter in Norway is located in downtown Oslo and we have branch offices at Helsfyr Skoyen, Sandvika, Kolbotn, Lillestrom, Sarpsborg, Drammen, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim. In addition, TEMP-TEAM has a specialist department within Mechanics. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tempteam.no To apply for this position please send your CV by email to use@temp-team.no.
Tähtaeg: 2024-07-26
Töösuhte kestus: tähtajaline, Temporary work as panel beater, possibility to get permanent job
Vajalikud dokumendid
- CV
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- Täistööaeg
Umesh Sethi
+47 9824 4776