Rimi Eesti Food AS
Commercial Assistant
Rimi Eesti Food AS
Rimi Eesti Food AS

Commercial Assistant

Rimi Eesti Food AS

Commercial Assistant

If it's important for You:

  • Challenging and dynamic work in one of the leading food retailers in the Baltics and extensive career opportunities within the whole Rimi Baltic Group;
  • Employee development and training programs;
  • Competent and professional team support, friendly working environment with different team events;
  • Flexible working hours and possibility to work from home few days per week.
  • Competitive remuneration package:

- Mobile phone, fully funded telecommunications services and laptop;

- Additional payments in different occasions (childbirth, work anniversaries, graduations, loss of family member etc.).

If you have:

  • Experience in buying, marketing, or a similar business area (an advantage);
  • Very good command of English and one of the Baltic languages;
  • Very good computer skills (Excel and other MS Office programs);
  • Results-oriented personality with strong analytical skills;
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment, with the capacity to prioritize tasks;
  • Accountability and ownership for your work;
  • Structured and accurate personality;
  • Desire to contribute to the success of your team.


  • Managing and updating vendor and product data for internal communication and processing, as well as for communication with vendors;
  • Preparing data and analysis as requested by managers;
  • Overseeing various administrative processes within the department;
  • Exchanging information with other departments in accordance with internal procedures;
  • Promo data collection and information sharing with other departments;
  • SAP transactions.
Selle ametikoha keskmise palga info leiad aadressilt palgad.ee.


    Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
    Põrguvälja tee 3, Pildiküla


  • Täistööaeg


  •  Eesti
Gabija Norkevičiūtė
+370 61544708
Top tööandja 2019

Rimi Eesti Food AS on üks Eesti juhtivaid jaekaubandusettevõtteid. Meie kaupluste perre kuuluvad Rimi hüper, Rimi super, Rimi mini ja Rimi express kauplused. Lisaks on Rimi Eesti Foodil keskköök. Üle kogu Eesti on meil 87 kauplust. Oleme tööandjaks enam kui 2700 inimesele.
Hoolime oma töötajatest ning pakume neile muuhulgas tööalast väljaõpet, soovi korral arengu ja karjäärivõimalusi, omatöötaja soodustusi Rimi kauplustes ostude sooritamisel ning tervise...

Ettevõtte kodulehthttp://www.rimi.ee/

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