Sushi kokk
Töötukassa vahendatud pakkumised


Chinese/sushi chef

Tööandja nimi



Sweetown is a restaurant in Kuopio offering different type of food and dishes from Taiwan.

We offer all-day buffet in the restaurant at Apaja Kuopio, including sushi, Chinese food, dessert ect.

Our products also go to the local grocery shops. The popular product includes lunch packages, Sushi onigiri, Bao, Sauces etc.

We hope we are able to provide more optional Chinese food for the locals with high quality and suitable taste tuned for the local market.

We are looking for a certified and experienced Chinese cook/Sushi Chef to our restaurant at Apaja in Kuopio.

Job requirements:
- Chinese cooking/sushi making experience.
- English/Chinese language skills for working at the restaurant.

Nõutud keeleoskus

  • EN, kõne: B1, kiri: B1, kohustuslik

Omalt poolt pakume

- We offer competitive salary (gross salary 2000-2800 EUR per month) and offers on the accommodation and daily lives.
- We offer a full time contract.
- Friendly working environment.

Working language:
- English

Kandideerimise info

Please send application by email in English to nasalin00@gmail.com. If your question concerns moving to Finland, housing, work permits, TMS support or other, please contact international employment advisers in English by email to eures.pohjois-savo@te-toimisto.fi. Please write to message title Sweetown. Additional information: For more information about your new hometown: - Welcome to Kuopio: https://issuu.com/kuopio/docs/kuopio_by_nature_2023_web Other important information: - Welcome to Finland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZslYLYzwIO8 Working & Living in Finland - broadcast series: - Working&Living in Finland: Episode 7/ How to find & apply for the jobs, the Finnish way! https://te-live.fi/en/lahetykset/3bwr74LIN - Working&Living in Finland: Episode 4 - First things to do when moving to Finland / bureaucratic process: https://te-live.fi/en/lahetykset/j_msrYHqw What is EURES and what it can do for you? - https://eures.europa.eu/jobseekers_en - You can apply for financial support through EURES. Your EURES contacts in Finland: Samuli Miettinen, samuli.miettinen@te-toimisto.fi & Seliina Varis, seliina.varis@te-toimisto.fi & Taina Jutila taina.jutila@te-toimisto.fi.

Tähtaeg: 31.05.2024

Töösuhte kestus: tähtajatu

Vajalikud dokumendid

  • CV
BrutokuupalkBruto kuus  € 2000 - 2800




  • Täistööaeg
Nasa Ling
+358 44 9171966
EURES Soome, üle-euroopalise EURES töövahendusvõrgustiku osana, vahendab Soome tööandjate tööpakkumisi, kus otsitakse tööjõudu Eestist.

Ettevõtte kodulehthttps://www.sweetown.fi/

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