Tallinna Ülikool
Lecturer of International Relations
Tallinna Ülikool
Tallinna Ülikool

Lecturer of International Relations

Tallinna Ülikool

Selle ametikoha keskmise palga info leiad aadressilt palgad.ee.


    Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
    Narva mnt 25


  • Täistööaeg
Birgit Poopuu

The general aims of Tallinn Universitys School of Governance, Law and Societys study area of International Relations and Future Studies are related to securing a wide-ranging and internationally recognized teaching, development and research activity on the areas of politics and international relations in TU, and to training professionals and leaders in public service and other roles utilizing politics and international relations competences in the public, private and third sectors.  

Candidates should hold a doctorate and give clear evidence of an emerging research focus in International Relations (IR). Expertise in all sub-disciplines of IR is welcomed but we are especially interested in expertise in global political economy, and expertise in the Global South or CEE regions, and excellent grasp of IR theories and social science methods. The successful candidate should have evidence of emergent or excellent publishing outputs. Demonstrate that their research has contributed to theoretical, empirical, methodological or conceptual advancements in their field. The successful candidate will be able to deliver teaching on diverse BA and MA level programmes in politics, governance and international relations and supervise BA and MA theses in their area of expertise. The successful candidate also participates in research and development activities and is expected to undertake administrative duties commensurate with their role.

Tallinn University is a modern and dynamic research university in Estonia with a leading role in promoting an intelligent lifestyle through education, research, and a unique collaboration across disciplines. We view an intelligent lifestyle as making research-based decisions in order to improve society in general and the well-being of its citizens.

Ettevõtte kodulehthttps://www.tlu.ee/

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