- Detailid
- Esmane info
- Ettevõte
Selle ametikoha keskmise palga info leiad aadressilt palgad.ee.
- Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
Akadeemia tee 15
- Täistööaeg
Pirjo Spuul
Pirjo Spuul
The Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology was created in the School of Science of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in 2017. The department merged the former Department of Chemistry and the Department of Gene Technology from the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Department of Food Science from the School of Chemistry and Materials Technology. The department's recent scientific discoveries in chemistry, molecular biology and food technology have opened up completely new perspectives in fields as medicine, industry, agriculture and the environment.
Sarnased töökuulutused:
Inseneriakadeemia projektijuht
Struktuurikeemia professor (tenuuri rada või tenuur)
Maapõuebüroo spetsialist