Tartu Ülikool
Project Manager for Digital Humanities
Tartu Ülikool
Tartu Ülikool

Project Manager for Digital Humanities

Tartu Ülikool

You can find average salaries for this postition at palgad.ee.


    Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia
    Jakobi 2, Tartu

Time of work

  • Full-time
Contact person
Liina Lindström
513 8446

The University of Tartu, the Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, is looking for a qualified and energetic project manager for the ERA Chair project "Center for Digital Text Scholarship" (DigiTS) starting in March 2025.

The University of Tartu is the biggest and oldest centre of academic life in Estonia - we have over 4,000 employees and 14,000 students. The unique intellectual atmosphere and fine living and working environment that characterise Tartu have attracted prominent scientists and experts for almost 400 years. Join the university family!

Company websitehttps://keel.ut.ee/en

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