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Electrical/ System Engineer
Tööandja nimi
Responsible for the Main Power Supply Package Specification, detailing the technical and functional requirements for high & low voltage suppliers to ensure compliance with industry standards, safety regulations, and project requirements
Omalt poolt pakume
IKM Consultants provide consultant services and permanent recruitment in Norway and internationally.
KM Consultants AS is a company in the IKM Group and is one of the largest Norwegian owned companies within consultancy services.
With more than 30 years of experience, we are an important service provider for additional resources, special skills and services. We have frame agreements/service agreements with most of the operators and larger contractors operating within the oil & gas business on NCS and internationally
KM Consultants AS is a company in the IKM Group and is one of the largest Norwegian owned companies within consultancy services.
With more than 30 years of experience, we are an important service provider for additional resources, special skills and services. We have frame agreements/service agreements with most of the operators and larger contractors operating within the oil & gas business on NCS and internationally
Kandideerimise info
Email to contact person Morten.langeland@ikm.no
Tähtaeg: 2024-11-15
Töösuhte kestus: tähtajatu
Vajalikud dokumendid
- CV
You can find average salaries for this postition at palgad.ee.
- Estonia
Time of work
- Full-time
Contact person
Morten Langeland
Morten Langeland
EURES Norra, üle-euroopalise EURES töövahendusvõrgustiku osana, vahendab Norra tööandjate tööpakkumisi, kus otsitakse tööjõudu Eestist.
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