Töötukassa vahendatud pakkumised


Chef á la carte & lunch

Tööandja nimi

EURES Rootsi


A new exciting season at Kläppen Restaurants awaits!

As owners of the restaurants at Kläppen Ski Resort Janne Söderberg and Magnus Wieselqvist welcome you to a new winter season. Although the restaurants in the resort are run as an independent company, we present ourselves as Kläppen Ski Resort and work hard to let our guests experience their best possible winter holiday. Our 7 restaurants and cafés together share a staff of about 70 employees.

Halster Bar & Bistro, a high pulse and a menu from morning coffee to lunch and after ski. During the evenings we have an international á la carte and grill menu.

Restaurant Tranan, lunchmenu from morning coffee to lunch.

Freds Place, a cosy hangout if you like it more easygoing. Freds has a charcoal grill outside and a nice café to get your street food, baguettes and coffees.

Toppstugan offers a wide range of coffees, cakes, pastry and lunch. We can even arrange evening program for larger groups.

Brasserie Karelius, dining á la carte with Scandinavian tastes.

We want to hire chefs for the coming winter season.

Nõutud keeleoskus

  • EN, kõne: B1, kiri: B1
  • SV, kõne: B1, kiri: B1

Omalt poolt pakume

Accommodation for rent at low cost and salary according to Swedish collective agreements.

Kandideerimise info

In your application you have to state why you think we should hire you, tell us about your experience and leave references. You can read more about our restaurants on https://www.klappen.se/en/restaurants/.

Tähtaeg: 2024-10-13

Töösuhte kestus: tähtajaline, 10.12.24 – 21.04.25

Vajalikud dokumendid

  • CV
  • kaaskiri
You can find average salaries for this postition at palgad.ee.



Time of work

  • Full-time
Contact person
Magnus Wieselqvist
+46 7060 80035
EURES Rootsi on Rootsi tööturuasutuse rahvusvahelise värbamise osakond, mis vahendab tööpakkumisi, kus Rootsi tööandjad otsivad töötajaid välismaalt.

Company websitehttps://www.klappen.se/

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