Magnetic MRO AS
Engine Shop Apprentice
Magnetic MRO AS
Magnetic MRO AS

Engine Shop Apprentice

Magnetic MRO AS

You can find average salaries for this postition at palgad.ee.


    Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Time of work

  • Full-time
Contact person
Katarina Puskar
Magnetic MRO is a Total Technical Care maintenance and asset management organization with a global presence and two decades of worldwide experience. The company has a well-established reputation in innovative solutions in digitalized MRO services and a proven track record as a one-stop total technical care organization for airlines, asset owners, OEMs, and operators. Magnetic MRO has more than 15 locations around the world in respect of new business units, company acquisitions, international partnerships as well as warehouses and outstations launched internationally.

Company websitehttp://www.magneticgroup.co

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